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Popular Quizzes | Bauer Publishing {:delete_link=>{:delete=>"Delete"}, :edit_link=>{:title=>"Edit"}, :feature_link=>{:unfeature=>"Unfeature", :feature=>"Feature"}, :flag_link=>{:flag=>"Bad&nbsp;Words!"}, :quiz=>{:created=>"Created", :comments_title=>"Comments"}, :quiz_form=>{:outcomes=>"Outcomes", :name=>"Name", :name_hint=>"Be descriptive! Something like \"Which JBiebz song are u?\" may get more people to take it than just calling it \"The Justin Bieber\" quiz. Get those creative juices flowing! (Also: Don't promise celeb phone numbers or personal info in your quiz. That might result in getting it removed from the site. Yikes!)", :outcomes_hint=>"You'll need at least two possible answers for your quiz takers, but anywhere from three to four is usually more satisfying. You should also keep things positive, too! Readers (like you!) want to learn about themselves and have fun, so make sure they smile after seeing the answer they got!", :restrict_title=>"Restrict Quiz To", :restrict_all_magazines=>"All Magazines", :restrict_sms=>"should it be taken by sms?", :created_by=>"Created by", :created_title=>"Created:"}, :quiz_header=>{:created_by=>"Created by"}, :quizzes=>{:title=>"Title", :author=>"Author", :times_taken=>"Times Taken", :rating=>"Rating"}, :sharing=>{:responded=>"responded", :no_response=>"has not responded", :cta_title=>"How will your friends answer?", :cta_description=>"Just enter their email addresses below and we will tell them to check out this quiz!", :notify_me=>"Send me an email when these folks take the quiz!", :share=>"Share!", :share_description=>"<a href=\"%{url}\">Log in</a> to share with friends and find out what they got!"}, :title=>{:title=>"Title:", :edit=>"Edit"}, :confirm_flag=>{:title=>"Flag Quiz", :challenge=>"Are you SURE you want to flag as inappropriate?", :confirm=>"Yes, flag as inappropriate", :cancel=>"cancel"}, :delete=>{:title=>"Delete Quiz", :challenge=>"Are you SURE you want to delete the quiz? There is no going back!!", :warning=>"<strong>All %{response} will be deleted as well!</strong>", :confirm=>"YES, DO IT", :or=>"-or-", :cancel=>"nah, this was a mistake cancel"}, :edit=>{:title=>"Edit Quiz", :save=>"Save!", :cancel=>"cancel"}, :featured=>{:zero_quizzes=>"There aren't any quizzes yet.", :create_link=>"Create one!", :title=>"Featured Quizzes"}, :my_quizzes=>{:user_required=>"You must be logged in to have quizzes. Please %{login_link} first. Thank you!", :log_in=>"log in", :title=>"My Quizzes"}, :new=>{:title=>"Create New Quiz!", :finish_pending=>"Finish A Pending Quiz", :step_one=>"Step 1 of 3: Name Your Quiz", :save_button=>"Save and add Questions!", :user_required=>"You must be logged in to create a quiz! Please %{login_link} and then you can start creating some quizzes!", :use_stories=>"Hey! Are you writing a personality or trivia-type quiz? Awesome! Continue below! But if you're trying to write fan fiction, you might want to check out our BRAND NEW story creator. It's right here <a href='http://fanfic.%{mag}'>http://fanfic.%{mag}</a>!"}, :newest=>{:title=>"Newest Quizzes", :zero_quizzes=>"There aren't any quizzes yet.", :create_quiz=>"Create One!"}, :popular=>{:title=>"Popular Quizzes", :zero_quizzes=>"There aren't any quizzes yet.", :create_quiz=>"Create One!"}, :review=>{:title=>"Review New Quiz", :step_three=>"Step 3 of 3: Review and Finalize Your Quiz", :add_question=>"Add A Question", :finalize=>"Finalize Quiz"}, :show=>nil, :updated=>"Quiz was updated.", :finalized=>"Quiz has been finalized!", :flagged=>"This quiz has been flagged for review by the moderators. Thank you!", :cannot_delete=>"You cannot delete that quiz.", :deleted=>"Quiz was deleted!"}

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