Shutkeys - the easiest way to look at your keywords and your competitors!

What is Shutkeys? are several tools and utilites which could help you to:

Check popular keywords for your projects

We track popular keywords all over the web, and we'll show you who them free

Check who competitor for your projects

Check competitor's keywords and try to use their keywords

Find out how SE sees your site

Verified site owners can see information about how SE crawls, indexes and ranks your site

Check who links to you

We track links from all over the web, and we'll show you who added a link to your site

Widgets & Tools

FirefoxDrag this link to your toolbar:
Shutkeys analytic
Internet ExplorerRight click on:
Shutkeys analytic and add it to your Favorites in the Links folder
ChromeDrag this link to your toolbar: Shutkeys analytic ChromeDrag this link to your toolbar:
Shutkeys analytic
FirefoxClick here to add Firefox search plugin Internet ExplorerClick here to add Internet Explorer search plugin