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Mt of Faith Christian Ministries Inc. -   Welcome to the home page of    New Horizons Family Education Foundation.  New Horizons Family Education Foundation is your one stop site, when in need of an encouraging thought or a Christian solution when in time of need. New Horizons Family Education Foundation believes in the enerant word of the holy scriptures with a focus on Proverb 22:6, which reads : Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. NIV.New Horizons Family Education Foundation is an educational ministry, focusing in on the crucial need for a person to be well educated, socialable, dependable and trustworthy.  New Horizons Family Education Foundation is commited to providing quality technical training to all those in the community that may not be able to afford the same training from a traditional education training institution. This training will include advanced computer and electronic training as well as provide our area residents that need it, with the pre-requisite  that most employers require to obtain employment.   The technical training provided by New horizons will prepare the students with the pre-requiste technical training in computer support at a level necessary to obtain an entry level job in the high tech industry. Did I mention this training will be mostly free of charge to the student? Our ministry is based on Proverb 22:6, which reads Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. KJV All of my secular working career has been in computer and electronic design and manufacturing and customer support positions, as well as the public school and technical school environments. So helping students get a firm working knowledge of the key computer skills needed for employment, as well as their basic high school compotencies is how New Horizons Family Education Foundation is striving to give something back to the community at large.                        Pastor Louis R. Hayward M. Div.                                   Executive Director You can help support New Horizon Family Education in this endeavor by supporting our online Christian Products Bookstore, at the following url :                                        New Horizons Online Christian Bookstore Christian Sites for Your Uplifting and Encouragement  Sunrise Ministries International       Longmont, CO.Agape Christian Church                 Denver, CO  

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