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ME AND MOBILE | ARE CONSUMERS GETTING ENOUGH Poor network coverage seems a common grievance these days. Service providers are charging subscribers but not ensuring quality service as TRAI has no mechanism to track poor infrastructure of operators. Also, ineffective mobile number portability and lack of transparency in billing system are some of the issues that are yet to be addressed by telecom giants. Only solution is to install more towers I agree that there is network coverage issue, but the big question for us is how to improve it. Coverage coming from every Base Transmitter System can service or has the capability to cover an area of not more than 1 kilometre radius area as long as there are no obstructions such as high rise buildings. The BSNL Pune has over 700 transmitting towers covering PMC and PCMC city areas and to improve coverage, we will need another 100 towers. As it is not possible to acquire land, we have hired sites for our transmitting towers. We have been struggling for the last one year to install new towers. Problems like finding the right site, disputes with locals against the installation, permission from civic authorities and strict guidelines and technical parameters have been some of the challenges that we are facing. Before installing a transmitting tower, we have to suffice all these parameters. Now, with the new Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) guidelines for mobile operators not to install transmitting towers on school campus and near hospitals due to health hazards, many buildings where our towers are installed will now start objecting. The only solution to improve coverage is to install more transmitting towers, which is not possible due to all the hurdles. So, improving coverage is a chronic problem faced by all the mobile operators. Other solution is that cellphone craze should go down and people should also use fixed line services. Mahendra Kumar Jain, Principal General Manager, BSNL Pune Consumers are facing difficulty in MNP It is true that there is a recurrent coverage problem with the mobile services. As a solution, TRAI came up with mobile number portability (MNP) facility so that any subscriber who faces coverage problem with his service provider can opt for a better operator without changing the existing number. Now, there are many technical problems leading to weak coverage in certain areas. Though TRAI started MNP service, consumers are finding it very difficult to change the service provider. The whole process takes anywhere between 15 days to 3 months wherein customers end up doing constant follow-ups. The consumers find the MNP process taxing. The service provider must make the procedure simple and not time-consuming. Ravi Ghate, Director, SMSONE Media Services Does TRAI keep a tab on service providers? I am one of the prime subscribers of a mobile service provider, that too for the last 16 years. There was a major coverage problem I was facing even though the quality of other service providers is much better than mine. Fed up with the coverage problem, I had decided to opt for mobile number portability option and switch to a better service provider. After applying for number portability, for nearly 6 months I was made to wait for various reasons. At the end, though I did not get to switch my service provider, my present provider convinced me that they will improve the coverage in my house and fixed a booster. I want to ask TRAI if they ever keep a check on mobile service providers to ensure they are following its guidelines and are truly giving quality service to the consumers. How subscribers are charged for their bills is a big number game, which consumers will never understand. Praveen Dhore, citizen Ensure a transparent billing system If we are really talking about the whole billing process of these mobile service providers, consumers have no clue whatsoever about how they are billed or are they getting what they are charged for. With the bills that are generated by these mobile service providers, the big question is how many subscribers understand or even bother to scrutinise as to whether they are being charged rightly or not. For example, is there any record of call drop due to disappearing-appearing coverage issue? How are consumers being charged in such a situation? Obviously, TRAI has no mechanism to track poor infrastructure of operators and mobile companies know these loopholes very well and exploit them. I really wonder how TRAI is managing its consumer grievance system. What consumers want is a understandable and transparent billing system from service providers. The problem is that for majority of consumers, the mobile bill amount does not matter as it has become a necessity. So, many do not bother to voice their grievances, which is why we hardly get billing-related complaints at our consumer forum. Consumers must come forward and voice their problems against mobile service providers. Suryakant Pathak, Working President, Grahak Panchayat, Pune Common charter of telecom services, 2005 Here are some of the points from TRAI’s charter for mobile service providers: All service providers acknowledge the rights of citizens to have a free choice in selecting their service providers and agree to promote their services in the best spirit of competition and traditions of service to consumers All service providers assure that the privacy of their subscribers (not affecting the national security) shall be scrupulously guarded All service providers assure that their subscribers shall be entitled to interact with them, either personally or through their authorised representatives For information purpose, all service providers agree to inform their subscribers of the broad range of services offered, the individual plans available to them at any given point of time, the tariff rates applicable to each of these, the validity, terms and conditions, payment policies, billing processes and procedures and the structure within the organisation where information and clarification on consumer redress systems for complaints and billing disputes will be available with all relevant contact numbers All service providers agree to inform their subscribers on the reverse of each bill, their consumer grievance redress process with respect to fault complaints and billing disputes. They also agree to resolve the disputes as per the guidelines of TRAI issued from time to time All service providers agree to repair the faults within 24 hours of receipt of complaint from a subscriber, wherever technically feasible All service providers agree to provide in their bills related call and tariff details, payment procedures and list of points at which payments can be made by subscribers All service providers agree to provide their subscribers satisfactory connectivity to their services and interconnectivity to the extent of their respective legal obligation under the relevant interconnection agreement and to ensure that subscribers do not suffer on account of poor service. Note: Though this charter is non-justiceable, service providers agree to strive to adhere all the points contained in this charter and to make every effort to abide by the charter Source:

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