Keywords Analysis for
ShutKeys Rank:
Elote | Cafe and Catering
Traffic details
Powered by AdvSites.netDisposition of 16 Organic Keywords
1-3 position | 4-100 position |
1 | 15 |
The look of
Keywords Analytic at Second Position
# | Keyword | Results | Change | Check Date |
2 | elote tulsa | 13 400 | -1 | 2013-10-31 | below Third Position
# | Keyword | Results | Change | Check Date |
5 | elotes | 114 000 | 0 | 2014-01-07 |
5 | luchadores | 301 000 | 1 | 2013-10-25 |
8 | abuela viuda negra | 2 460 | 1 | 2013-11-02 |
8 | viudas negras mexico abuela | 7 840 | 0 | 2014-06-13 |
9 | lucha dor | 1 260 000 | 0 | 2014-04-19 |
10 | Luchador | 1 600 000 | -5 | 2013-10-31 |
13 | vermox | 405 000 | 0 | 2014-10-21 |
20 | Detrol | 403 000 | 0 | 2014-10-22 |
20 | luchadore | 516 000 | 0 | 2014-10-23 |
27 | mexican food tulsa | 1 080 000 | 16 | 2014-10-03 |
28 | heli attack 2 best tulsa | 2 120 000 | 0 | 2014-09-18 |
35 | prescriptions next day | 48 000 000 | 0 | 2014-10-24 |
47 | Low Cost5 | 944 000 000 | 0 | 2014-10-20 |
48 | heli attack 2 best of tulsa | 14 600 | 0 | 2014-07-01 |
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Diagram of Position
Position | Organic Keywords |
Second | 1 |
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